المجلد الثاني -العدد الاول - المجلة الهندسية


Sideig Abdelrhman Dowi1, Osman Abdeen Osman2, Mohamed Alnour Mustaffa3 and Osama Mohammed Elmardi4

1,2,3Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nile Valley University, Atbara-Sudan

4Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nile Valley University, Atbara-Sudan

Corresponding Author: osamamm64@gmail.com


Enhancing static voltage stability in Sudan’s national grid is vital for improving the reliability and efficiency of its electricity supply system, especially as the country develops its power infrastructure to meet rising demand. This involves employing advanced control strategies, integrating reactive power support systems like Static Var Compensators (SVCs) and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), and optimizing transmission line configurations to manage variability in demand effectively. Moreover, real-time monitoring and data analytics are crucial for preemptively identifying instability issues. This paper evaluates the Sudan National Grid’s performance concerning growing demand and reactive power resources, using the V-Q sensitivity method to identify the weakest buses and NEPLAN software for analysis. By implementing these enhancements, Sudan can achieve a more resilient and stable grid, supporting economic growth and improving citizens’ quality of life.

Keywords: load flow analysis, SVC, Modal analysis, V-Q sensitivity analysis, Active power index (VPI-bus), Reactive power index (VQI-bus).

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